General Steel Auto Repair Shop Interior
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Startup Costs for Auto Repair Shops
Auto Shop for Sale versus New Auto Shop

Specialized Auto Shops

There are some auto shops that cater to specific brands of cars instead of working on any type of car. By specializing you are able to let your garage become an expert in the field you choose. While catering to just a few brands can be lucrative, if you do decide to be a general garage, keep in mind that you cannot be everything to everyone.

Detailing or Customizing  Auto Shops

A shop that focuses on detailing or customizing a car will have different needs too, which can alter the startup costs. For a detailing or customizing shop, you will need to have paints, tints, stereo upgrades, and more. None of this is common in a repair shop, and you will not need a lot of the equipment that is usually found in repair shops.

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