Prefab Horse Barns

Sizes We Recommend

Horse Stables

A steel building from General Steel is an ideal fit for a horse stable. The design flexibility of a steel kit allows horse owners to build a stable that reflects the specific needs of their horses. When combined with the strength and quick construction timelines of steel construction, a steel horse stable kit separates itself as the modern building solution. At General Steel, we understand that the horses themselves are the top priority for horse owners.

Price Your Building Online

Warranties and Service

Brand General Steel
Available Products I-Beam Framing: 26 Gauge Sheeting
Add Colors Roof, Walls and Trim
I-Beam Structural Warranty 50 Years
Paint Warranty 40 Years
Galvalume Roof Warranty 25 Years
Standing Seam Roof Warranty 20 Years
Project Coordinator Included at No Additional Cost

Customize Your Horse Barn with Our Team

Working with General Steel is a collaborative process that ensures that your final product reflects your specific needs. The process starts with a two-way conversation between you and our experienced team. We want to know exactly how you’ll be using your horse barn, how it fits within your property, and your ideas for interior and exterior design, among other factors. We then research the location of the building to ensure that your horse barn is equipped to withstand the wind and snow loads of your area as well as any insulation requirements.

Once we get an idea of what building kit best suits your project, we work with you to add customization options to your horse stable plans, including a wide variety of doors, windows, and exterior color schemes. The ease of steel construction allows us to modify layouts and add further customizations without breaking your budget. From design to construction, we provide the materials and expertise to transform a building kit into a horse barn.

Stronger and More Reliable Buildings

Steel is the world’s premier building material because of its strength and durability. Steel has the highest strength-to-weight ratio of any construction material, which means steel components add strength without adding stress to a building’s frame. This strength gives you and our team more flexibilty when it comes to your horse stable plans. And of course, a stronger, more secure structure protects your valued animals from dangerous weather events or fire.

Steel construction is especially important when it comes to protecting your building and animals from pests. Raccoons, possums, mice, rats, and termites are common threats to traditional wood stables. These pests can not only threaten the structural integrity of your horse stable, but they also can target your livestock’s feed supply. A steel building keeps these pests and any dangerous health hazards away from your horses.

Steel Horse Barn vs Pole Barn

Metal Horse Barn Building Pros

  • Design flexibility allows for future expansion
  • Non-combustible materials ensure horses' and property safety
  • Minimal maintenance required

Metal Horse Barn Building Cons

  • Higher initial investment
  • Concrete foundation or piers needed in all cases
  • Potential resistance from HOA

Pole Barn Pros

  • Cheaper upfront costs
  • Building materials less influenced by commodity price swings
  • Easiest building system to insulate

Pole Barn Cons

  • Susceptible to rot, warps, cracks, and decay
  • Expensive labor costs during construction
  • Higher insurance costs due to vulnerability to fire damage
How much does a steel building cost?

There are several factors at play when determining the final cost of a steel building. Building size, customizations, location, the price of steel, and more, all have an effect on the price of your building. Our team works closely with you to be 100% transparent about pricing throughout the process of purchasing a steel building kit.

What do you need in a horse stable?

Many horse stables include spacious stalls, storage space, feed and water troughs, tack rooms, and wash rooms, but this varies based on budget, the location of your stable, and the needs of your horses. You’ll work with our experienced team to design a stable that will reflect your vision.

How do steel horse stables compare to pole barns?

Steel horse barn kits are a superior option to pole barns because of the strength, design flexibility, and lower costs of steel construction.

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