40x200 RV Storage Canopy

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40×200 Canopy

Our 40x200 RV storage canopy provides a versatile solution for storage facility operators. This canopy is an effective and rentable space by itself or when paired with one of our enclosed storage facilities, the canopy area offers a lower rent fee alternative for customers. This I-beam structure also features bolt together construction which can be erected in days allowing you to open your business quicker or add onto your existing storage facility when demand arises.

General Steel RV Storage Facilities

Framing Detail, Warranties and Service

Brand General Steel
Available Products I-Beam Framing: 26 Gauge Sheeting
Add Colors Roof, Walls and Trim
Structural Warranty 50 Years
Paint Warranty 40 Years
Standing Seam Roof Warranty 25 Years
Galvalume Roof Warranty 20 Years
Project Coordinator Included at No Additional Cost

Enclosed RV Facilities vs Open Wall RV Storage Canopies

Our RV storage buildings feature flexible interior walls and can be designed to accommodate RV lengths of up to 50′ deep in one storage bay. We can also design your RV storage facility to feature open walls which as you can see in the comparison below, has its own advantages. With most 5th wheel trailers and Class A motorhomes topping out at 35′ to 44′ in length, our RV storage buildings can easily offer a storage space to a wide variety of recreational vehicles.


  • The RV is completely protected from the weather on all sides
  • Your customers can use it to store other equipment, toys and cars
  • Ability to insulate and create a climate controlled space


  • Cannot finish the walls with any other siding material
  • It takes a bit more time to finish erecting the building
  • RV parking spaces are less versatile than canopy buildings


  • Can finish the walls with concrete block or another siding material
  • Uninterrupted access to all sides of the RVs
  • With no sheeting to install, building takes less time to erect


  • Property is exposed to blowing debris and precipitation
  • Exposure to vandalism, pests and wind blown weather
  • Increased cost, building must be loaded for upward wind

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I determine what size RV storage facility I need?

Our team can assist you in determining the size of the RV storage units as well as the size mix. We also recommend pursuing a feasibility study on your own to make sure there is demand for RV storage in the area.

What are the business advantages to using a General Steel building?

The design flexibility of our buildings allows us to design the right building for your business and the fact that our buildings are easy to expand in the future provides you the opportunity to grow your business down the line.

How do I make my steel building look less like a "steel building"?

We offer GenStone faux stone, rock and brick that can be installed directly to the metal siding. GenStone provides the look of these materials at a more economical price.

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