30x30 Tiny House Plan

Metal Buildings Materials $8-$12 Per SQFT

With some basic tiny house research, you can find per square foot price estimates to find out how much it costs to build a new tiny house versus buying one.

Tiny Homes for Sale

  • $195 – $250 per SQFT

Build a New Tiny Home

  • $200 – $400 per SQFT

Metal Building Construction

  • $12 – $14 per SQFT

Metal Building Interior Finish

  • $40 – $120 per SQFT

[easy-tweet tweet=”Tiny home on a tiny budget – have you considered a prefab metal building? $8-$14 per SQFT for materials and $40-$140 for interior finish!” template=”light”]

25x35 Tiny House Plan
General Steel Metal Home Backyard

Stronger Tiny Homes

It’s undeniable that steel holds a significant advantage over wood in terms of strength. That’s why steel has been a primary building material for commercial and residential properties for more than 150 years. Tensile strength is a measurement of the force required to pull a structural beam until it breaks. Steel has a tensile strength of 700 and higher, while wood registers at just 40. That means steel is 17.5x as strong as wood while being 30% lighter in weight. If you’re planning on moving your tiny home, a steel option will be easier to maneuver.

Tiny Home Display at California Mall


Perhaps the greatest advantage of using steel for your tiny house is the durability. As your primary residence, your tiny home must be able to withstand all the elements, including extreme weather conditions, mold, pest damage and fire. Steel can stand up to these issues, providing you and your family the security and healthy living conditions you will need in your small space. If you chose to build your tiny house with General Steel, you would also receive the added benefit of our 50-year structural warranty, 40-year paint warranty and 20-year roof warranty at no additional cost.

Tiny House Adapted for Business Use
Do Your Research

We encourage you to do as much research as possible, whether you’re looking at tiny houses for sale or building your own. We’re also confident that steel is the modern choice for this modern movement, where quality of life is only enhanced by efficiency.

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No matter where you are in the process of building, General Steel has a solution for you. From our simple 3 step building quote to our growing library of project resources, General Steel is the company you've been looking for.

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