Characteristics of Steel Frame Structures

Features of Steel

  • Non-combustible
  • Metal has the strongest tensile strength
  • Steel is recyclable

Benefits of Steel

  • Not susceptible to rot
  • Engineered with your location in mind
  • 50 year structural warranty

6 Reasons Steel Buildings are the Safest Option

While the features and benefits of steel buildings outlined above may be enough to convince you that a metal building system is the right choice for your project, if you are building a high capacity building such as a school, church or gymnasium you may be interested in why steel is the safest option for your project.

Steel is the Most Durable Structure

(3) Less Maintenance

This advantage of steel frame structures are usually seen as a way to save time and reduce the stress of maintaining a facility. But it also makes your facility safer. Every building has natural wear and tear, but a less durable material such as wood, will deteriorate at a much faster rate than steel. As a facility deteriorates, maintenance is less likely to keep pace, contributing to less structural integrity and increasing the chances of permanent and dangerous damage.

Steel is the Most Durable Material on Earth
Did You Know?

If you have been wondering what type of ongoing maintenance metal buildings require, you may be pleased to hear little (like clearing snow) or no maintenance is required to keep your building in good condition.

Steel Frame Carport Structure


Steel is the world’s most recycled material with more than 80 million tons of steel recycled annually, and the steel industry is a leader in executing eco-friendly initiatives across the world. That’s great for the environment, but it also contributes to the safety of the material. Steel is a unique material that can be recycled for a number of purposes without ever sacrificing its integrity, which contributes to the long lifespan of a steel building.

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