100x200 Strip Malls

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100×200 Strip Mall

An 100x200 steel building package is a popular choice for businesses in need of a versatile space for a strip mall. Framed openings, sectional doors, and options for skylights and windows offers building owners a flexibility that ensures their building reflects their business needs. The clear span framing of our structures provides several options for floor layouts. Use a combination of interior and exterior components to design a space that will maximize efficiency.

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Framing Detail, Warranties, and Service

Brand General Steel
Available Products I-Beam Framing: 26 Gauge Sheeting
Add Colors Roof, Walls, and Trim
Structural Warranty 50 Years
Paint Warranty 40 Years
Standing Seam Roof Warranty 25 Years
Galvalume Roof Warranty 20 Years
Project Coordinator Included at No Additional Cost

Popular Strip Mall Components

The 100×200 metal building package is among our most popular options for strip mall designs. These buildings require a high degree of customization, and General Steel’s wide selection of components ensures your building will reflect business needs. In addition to the primary and secondary framing, building owners can add a combination of sectional doors, roll-up doors, windows, and more to enhance functionality and efficiency. Consider adding GenStone and an exterior color scheme to add aesthetic value.


  • Primary and Secondary Framing
  • 1:12 Roof Pitch
  • 26 Gauge Roof and Wall Sheeting
  • Fasteners
  • Sealants and Flashing
  • Deluxe Trim Package
  • Ridge Cap
  • Plans and Drawings


  • 3070 Man Door
  • Sectional Door
  • Roll Up Door
  • Horizontal or Vertical Slide Windows
  • Insulation
  • Insulated Stucco Panels
  • Light Transmitting Panels
  • Gutters and Downspouts

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a strip mall cost?

The cost of a strip mall depends on a few factors; first, the size of the building package. Larger structures cost more but are cheaper when considering cost per square foot. Second, building prices are determined by design, including the custom features that you select for your strip mall design. Lastly, the price of steel at any time can fluctuate based on market performance. These factors combine to set your final price.

Why is a prefabricated building the best choice for a strip mall?

A prefabricated building provides the best value due to its design versatility, strength, durability, and efficient construction. A strip mall requires a high degree of customization, and a preengineered building kit from General Steel provides the functional and aesthetic components that make your building your own.

Should I buy or rent a commercial building?

If your goal is to create long-term value, buying is most often your best option when it comes to a strip mall.

Digital Downloads

100x200 Strip Mall Brochure

Our I-beam building packages come with an impressive list of standard features and warranties. Explore popular components, color choices and reasons why a General Steel building is the right choice.

Building Brochure

Standard Features Infographic

Our I-beam building packages come with an impressive list of standard features and warranties. Explore popular components, color choices and reasons why a General Steel building is the right choice.

Standard Building Features

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